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In today’s Adobe Illustrator tutorial, we’ll use the most advanced technology in the world of vector graphics. The methods described here will allow you to work faster and more efficiently. I bet in this tutorial you will discover information which you have not heard of before!
Step 1
To create a CD Cover Design, I’ll use a standard template of Adobe Illustrator which is designed for these purposes. Start Adobe Illustrator and select the option From Template… in the Start Window.
If the application is already open, go to File > New From Template… and open the CD Print Items.ait file (Templates > Blank Templates).
Using a template allows us quick access to the outline shape and dimensions of CD and cover, as all the shapes already exist in the template as guides.
I’m not sure that all versions of Adobe Illustrator have similar templates, and if you cannot find it, follow this link illustrator-templates. Here you can find a variety of templates in PDF, not only for CD Cover Design, but also for posters, envelopes, flyers, etc.
Step 2
Now we need an idea. I think it would be nice if the cover design will be somehow connected with the design of the CD. After some thought I decided to design a cover as a record player, and create CD as a vinyl record. Let’s proceed to creating the cover design. Turn on the Smart Guides mode (Cmd / Ctrl + U), take the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a rectangle based on the template guides.
At the first step, I always create basic objects and fill them with different colors in order to place them in the correct sequence. Take the Ellipse Tool (L) and create a few circles. The centers of these circles must coincide.
Step 3
Take the Scissors Tool (C) and cut the bottom of the large circle at points A and D. Remove the right side of the circle, take the Pen Tool (P) and continue path creating straight-line segments AB, BC and CD.
You can read full version this tutorial on Astute Graphics
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