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Free Illustrator Script: Random Resize and Random Opacity

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Freebies / Free Scripts/ Comments: 10

Today we present you two useful scripts for Adobe Illustrator. The said scripts have been designed by gifted Ukrainian developer and the friend of mine — Yemz, who is also known to be the developer of Free Mesh Tormentor Plugin. Using Random Resize and Random Opacity scripts, you could promptly resize the objects and change thereof transparency in random mode.

You can download  Random Resize and Random Opacity scripts by clicking the Download button on this page.

Install the scripts into the following folder:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts
  • For Mac: Applications / Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts

For example, let us take simple vector image consisting of the background filled by linear gradient and the group consisting of a few objects.

For the purpose of such scripts application to the objects it shall be necessary to ungroup the latter; go to Object > Ungroup.

Random Resize script randomly resizes selected objects within the range 0% …1,000% of the initial object size. For the purpose of script effect demonstration it shall be necessary to select all objects and go to File > Scripts > Random Resize. Select the minimum size of 5% in dialog box and press OK.

Then, set the maximum value of 150% in the next dialog box and press OK.

As the result of the script application there shall be a stellar sky with stars of various sizes.

Specific feature of Random Resize script is objects resizing without change of thereof coordinates.

Random Opacity script randomly changes the transparency of selected objects within the range 0% …100% of the initial object transparency. For the purpose of script effect demonstration it shall be necessary to select all objects and go to File > Scripts > Random Opacity. Using the dialog box Script Prompt, set the minimum transparency value of 10% and press OK.

Then, set the maximum transparency value of 90% in the next dialog box and press OK.

As the result of the script application there shall be a flickering stellar sky.

You can download  Random Resize and Random Opacity scripts by clicking the Download button on this page.


I am sure that Random Resize and Random Opacity scripts shall assist you in creation of the vector abstract backgrounds and textures. Don’t forget to leave some feedback in the comments and subscribe us.

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Total comments: 8
1 donald wilson  
Man this is tight… thank you… THANK U ....TKS' tongue tongue

2 JanetSmith  

3 bigfigure  
Great! TKS.

4 ananke  
Great! thank you biggrin

5 fobioid  
I can see the advantage to having the random opacity but can't you just use the random size (along with random rotate) under object>transform>transform each, and ticking the random box?

6 jaroslav  
Yes, you are right. Transform each also works fine

7 Javwinner  
Very useful script for Adobe Illustrator

8 TeoTeo  
Tks you so much!!!

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