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Create a Spring Background with Stylism and Adobe Illustrator

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Illustrator Tips / Techniques/ Comments: 0

In this tutorial you will learn how to combine Stylism and Appearance panel to create fairly complex visual effects. It’s hard to believe that a chamomile can be represented by a simple circle, but it is true. Today, you will also learn how to apply multiple effects to an object and target fill, set the resolution and implement contour control of bitmap effects and so on. Shown here is the process which will tell you how you can speed up your work with the help of Stylism. I hope that you have already experienced using Stylism if not, download 14 day free trial now!

Step 1

Create a rectangle that we will use as a background. Fill it with a sloping linear gradient, which consists of several shades of gray color.

Now create a circle using the Ellipse Tool (L) and fill it with a radial gradient, which consists of two white and one light gray slider.

Using only this shape, Stylism and Appearance panel, we will create a chamomile.

Step 2

Keeping the circle selected, take the Stylism Tool and open its panel (Window > Stylism > Stylism panel). Now click on the Transform Live Effect button in the panel. This will lead to the appearance of the annotation system on the object, which will allow us to easily control effect parameters.

Change the shape of the bounding box of the annotation system, turning the circle into an ellipse.

Step 3

Now we need to apply another Transform effect to our object. To do this, click on Transform Live Effect button in the Stylism panel, holding down Shift.

Open the Appearance panel (Window > Appearance). Here we can see that both of the Transform effects are at the bottom of the stack.

Step 4

Clicking inside the bounding box will open the Transform dialog box. Set here an angle of 36 degrees.

Create 9 copies by pressing 9 times at + copies button.

Select a lower central Reference point in the annotation.

We’ve got 10 petals.

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