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Free Illustrator Script - Random Swatches Fill

Today we present you some useful scripts for Adobe Illustrator. These scripts have been designed by a talented Ukrainian developer and a friend of mine — Yemz, who is also known as the developer of the Free Mesh Tormentor Plugin.  The Random Swatches Fill scripts colour the objects into the colours that have been selected from the Swatches panel.

You can download  Random Swatches Fill script by clicking the Download button on this page.

Install the script into the following folder:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts
  • For Mac: Applications / Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts

As an example to illustrate the work of the Random Swatches Fill, let’s take a vector work which consists of a lot of one-color objects.

I want to draw your attention, the objects to which the script will be applied should be ungrouped and selected. Open the Swatches panel while you still have the objects selected. While holding the Command/Ctrl keys, select colors in the Swatches panel, which we will use for coloring of the objects.

Apply the Random Swatches Fill, to do so go to the File> Scripts >Random_Swatches_Fill. As a result of our actions, we will get the color objects, colored in the random order

The Random Swatches Fill script can be applied not only to the whole work, but also to a couple of objects. With the Lasso Tool (Q) select a couple of objects and while holding the Command/Ctrl keys select the colors from the Swatches Palette.

Now start the script. As a result, a part of the vector work is colored randomly with earlier selected colors.

You can also experiment with colors, gradient meshes and patterns from the Swatches panel and see what incredibly interesting results you can get. I hope that this script will be useful in your creative work.

You can download  Random Swatches Fill script by clicking the Download button on this page.

Total comments: 13
1 HP  
thank you! but example for german installation install scripts in

…\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\de_DE\Scripts

2 HP  
sorry, the right path is:

…\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\de_DE\Skripten

3 Logo Design Services  
Very useful scripts for me, i am thankful, thanks for sharing

4 jaroslav  

5 Logo Design Services  
Very nice blog, Thanks for sharing, Keep it up!

6 Lin  
Thank you so much for this! However I couldn't get the same result…is there a specific way to install the js file? I dragged into the folder that was listed in the article, but when I tried to load the script in illustrator after selecting all these elements and swatches, it goes like file>scripts>other scripts, then I have to manually find it in the folder, and nothing happen after I apply it..

8 Morquar  
You must select the objects and then, in the swatches window, select the colors you want to apply, and THEN, you run the script.

7 jaroslav  
Hi Lin,

Did you select objects and colors in the Swatches panel before launching the script?

9 jaroslav  
I am afraid that it will not work in CS6. Although I will contact the developer on this issue.

10 Dan  
fivecupcake, does that mean it works in CS6? I tried but i can't do it..

11 Enrique  
Great!! Exactly what I needed!

12 Maxxie  
It works to AI CC 2014, too! Just follow the instruction above.

01. Select your multiple objects WITHOUT having them grouped.
02. Select the swatches you want to apply to the objects.
03. Run the script.

Life-saving script, thank you Yemz.

13 bleucaldwell  
Thanks for the script and also for the CC instructions Maxxie! Worked perfectly!

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