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New Illustrator Plug-in - WidthScribe is Available

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Articles / News/ Comments: 3


WidthScribe is a unique plugin to enhance your vector work enabling you to vary multiple width strokes with both ease and speed. The results bring your work to life and create real depth and impact.

Use the Width Brush Tool to define aspects of your art with quick and simple sweeps. It offers the intuitive ease of a real brush and allows for a variety of artist effects such as engraving style or natural drawing, fully preserving the editable vector nature of the artwork.

WidthScribe illustrator plug-in

The Width Gradient Tool gives you the precision you need to boost perspective, enhance unique geometric patterns and sculpt by strokes. As always with our plugins, we've made it easy for you to control with presets, live feedback and more for a great user experience.

Ai-> WidthScribe illustrator plug-in

Other tools include the Width Selector tool to taper lines in seconds, numeric control, averaging and smoothing, as well as randomisation and optimisation functions.

WidthScribe illustrator plug-in

How to use?

Width Brush Tool


Width Brush Tool: Options (Preferences)

Width Gradient Tool


Width Gradient Tool: Linear and Radial

Width Gradient Tool: Absolute and Relative

Width Gradient Tool: Panel Gradient Graph

Width Gradient Tool: Optimisation Level

Width Gradient Tool: Panel Fly-out Menu

Width Selector Tool


Width Selector Tool: Marker Selection

Width Selector Tool: Tapering

Width Selector Tool: Average and Smooth

Width Selector Tool: Delete Markers

Width Selector Tool: Width Value Adjustment

Width Selector Tool: Panel Fly-out Menu

Width Selector Tool: Preferences

Width Erasor Tool

Vary Width Markers

Optimise Width Markers

Compound Paths

How to Buy?

Click now for instant purchase!

14 day free trial version available

How much?

£39 +VAT (approx. $62 / €46).

Special offers

Existing customers: Get your £10 discount!

Bundle offer: WidthScribe + DrawScribe reduced price for everyone!

Who for?

Users of Adobe Illustrator CS5 and CS6, Mac OS 10.5+ (Intel) and Windows XP - 8

Total comments: 2
1 Thomas  
is this width tool available for CS4 Illustrator?

2 jaroslav  
Nope. The tool is available in Illustrator CS5 / CS6 / CC(17)

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