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Interview with Chris Spooner

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Articles / Interview/ Comments: 0

Today our guest is Chris Spooner, one of the most famous designers and bloggers in the world. His blogs Blog.SpoonGraphics (Vector and Photoshop tutorials, free vector graphics etc) and Line25 (Web Design and coding tutorials) are very popular. Chris lives in Sheffield, UK. He studied Art and Design at college and university and ended up with a BA (HONS) in Art & Design. Chris keeps improving and shares his skills with readers in tutorials and articles. I've interviewed Chris Spooner for Astute Graphics blog. You can read it here. In this interview Chris Spooner opens the secret of his popularity.

Inrerview with Chris Spooner

I've interviewed Chris Spooner for Astute Graphics blog. You can read it here. In this interview Chris Spooner opens the secret of his popularity.

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