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In today’s tutorial we will create the effect of destroyed text with the help of Stipplism. The unique technique of using symbols for the text will enable us to keep it editable, even after applying an opacity mask and multiple effects to different objects.
Step 1
Create a new Illustrator’s document (Cmd / Ctrl + N), in the open dialog box, set the required sizes of an artboard, and choose RGB color mode.
Create a light gray rectangle that will serve as a background.
Step 2
Take the Type Tool (T) and type a word. In my case it’s “ROCK”. Here I used Open Sans free font.
Save the text as a new symbol in the Symbols panel.
In the future, this will allow us to simultaneously edit the text, opacity mask, and other copies of a symbol.
Step 3
Outside the artboard using the Pen Tool (P) create a few stones, which consist of triangles. Color the edges of the stones in different shades of gray color to transmit light and shade on the rocks.
Save one of the stones as a symbol in the Symbols panel, by naming it a “Stone”.
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