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Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: Create a Vector Space Composition

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Illustrator Tutorials / Illustration/ Comments: 1
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Tutorial Details
  • Program: Adobe Illustrator CS-CS6
  • Difficulty: Beginner
  • Estimated Completion Time: 1 hour

In this Adobe Illustrator tutorial, you will learn how to create a vector space composition featuring the planet Saturn. We’ll use simple shapes, various Blending Modes, and follow a strait-forward workflow that is as simple as a basic circle. Check this out yourself at the jump.

Step 1

First, we’ll create a background for our space composition. Take the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a rectangle filled with a radial gradient that goes from orange to black.

The orange halo will represent the planet’s glow, so the center of the radial gradient should coincide with the center of the planet. For convenience of further constructions, I have checked the center of the gradient with the help of two guides.

Step 2

Take the Ellipse Tool (L) and create a circle with the center located at the intersection of the guides. Fill the circle with a radial gradient that goes from dark brown to dark green.

Step 3

Create a new circle. The diameter of this circle should be slightly larger than the diameter of the circle created in the previous step. Fill this circle with a radial gradient, which consists of blue, white, and black colors.


You can read full version this vector tutorial on VectorTuts+



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Total comments: 1
1 monuzart  
very good

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