Function Split Long Contour is designed for high precision applications of the Width Stamp Tool to very long paths, such as circular and square spirals. You will learn about the peculiarities of this feature from this article.
To demonstrate the Split Long Contour feature I will use Portrait of a majestic lion and Wooden texture background from Shutterstock. I placed (File > Place …) both images into Adobe Illustrator and placed the picture of a lion above the wooden texture. Then to the image of a lion I applied the Multiply blending mode so that the texture of the lower image can appear.
My task is to apply the Width Stamp Tool to both images, and to do so they first need to be grouped up (Cmd / Ctrl + G). Now open the Width Stamp panel (Window > WidthScribe > Width Stamp panel) and choose Circular Spiral as a preset, then press the Make with Preset button.
As you can see, we have achieved absolutely not acceptable result that cannot be significantly improved even if we increase the value of Fidelity to the maximum.
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