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A free vector from Art of Sun

posted by: Art of Sun, in Freebies / Free Vectors/ Comments: 0

Today an artist and a designer, Art of Sun, presents her works to you. In this post you’ll find out how Lena (Art of Sun) became a successful stock illustrator and also you could download six abstract backgrounds for free. Here you could find links to its casts and drawing tutorials of stock pictures. This is indeed very useful!

License: This vector can be used for any personal and commercial projects, but it cannot be sold or spread in any other way.

Hello everybody. My name is Lena (art_of_sun), I am an artist-designer and a stock illustrator.

I was born in a wonderful city called Pertozavodsk. I draw since childhood, studied in art school and in the art class in the lyceum. And I also learned graphic editors on my first computer bought to me by my parents. But after school my parents decided that I need “a more serious profession”, that’s why my first higher education I received as a construction engineer. However, during my studying I firmly established the fact that drawing is not my cup of tea and started learning design by myself- I looked for jobs as a designer after my classes at the university and I even taught Photoshop and CorelDRAW courses for students. After I finally finished the university I made my parents face the fact that I want to study design and went to St. Petersburg to get my second higher education.

There I graduated from Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University and found a job in my field. I worked in different spheres- starting from outdoor advertisement to polygraphy and computer games. In 2008 I found out about the micro stock sites and even tried uploading something, but I faced the problems of uploading and a complete not understanding how to prepare vectors for microstocks and what should be drawn there. At first I thought that in order to make some money there, one have to draw something extremely complicated and spend about 8 hours on each picture. That’s why I uploaded there some stuff once in a while- mostly the graphics that I couldn’t use at work- and at the end of the year I made roughly 350$.

And two years ago I met a wonderful designer Oleg SkillUp who was doing his second Mega workshop. I was inspired of his example and being tired of annoying boss, I, surprisingly for everyone (and even for myself), quit my job, registered for a workshop and started actively drawing for microstock sites and aiming to earn my living there. I promised myself that if I don’t start making enough money till I run out of my savings, I’ll look for another job in the office. Well, surely I never came back to office jobs again.

Now I actively draw for microstock sites, I learn something new all the time and I also teach other guys: I cast and do workshops, write useful posts (in Russian) in my LJ, and recently opened my own little store with tutorials on stock pictures drawing (in Russian).

Art of Sun’s Portfolio

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