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New Features of Edge Animate CC

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Articles / News/ Comments: 0

Edge Animate is a new tool developed by Adobe in September 2012 which is designed to create animated, interactive content for the Web.

Edge Animate is based on modern browser standards using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. With its help you can create precision animations using the Timeline Editor that is familiar to Adobe Flash users, build compositions using the drawing and text tools, and easily create mobile-friendly content that works with a wide variety of devices and browsers. You can build beautiful animations using CSS filters like drop shadow, blurs, and saturation; style objects using radial and linear gradients; adding typography to your designs using the Web Fonts Selector; and adding creative animations to your Adobe DPS projects.

As a developer you can use Edge Animate to build interactive documents with full JavaScript and HTML capabilities, create layouts that are easily resizable for any device or screen, and publish your creations on the web using standards-complain code. Animation created in Edge Animate can be easily deployable to any operating system, device, or screen and now there is no need in using Flash Player, Silverlight, QuickTime, or downloading of any apps. New release, Edge Animate CC, has a few new features that we will talk about in this review.

Motion paths

Motion paths feature allows us to create the movement of objects along a curved trajectory, which is defined by the user. Let me remind you that the previous version of Edge Animate allowed to create only straight-line movements. To control element’s movements with the help of Motion paths, you need to select the element on Stage, then click Motion Paths in the Contextual Property panel under the Position and Size sub panel.

To set motion paths as the default method of movement for new elements, tick “Animate with Motion Paths” from the Layout Defaults.

Now create a transition using keyframes or the Pin. As you can see, there appeared a line between two anchor points.

Click anywhere on the line to create a new point on the path, which will have handles as any Bezier curve. By dragging this point and controlling the handles, we can control the curvature of the path.

You can read full version of this overview on

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