Drawing with a Graphic Tablet, typically a Wacom device, allows the vector artist a bunch of advantages such as acceleration of the illustrative creation process; Ease of drawing as compared to drawing with a mouse, the correlation between the line width and the pressure on the stylus, and, finally, the creation of a more natural and unique style graphic.
In this Adobe Illustrator tutorial we will discuss how to configure the Graphic Tablet for easy operation and configuration of Illustrator’s standard vector drawing tools to create a variable width path for illustrations. I will also describe several practical exercises that allow you to quickly master the Graphic Tablet. In the second part of this article, you will learn how to color vector illustration with the help of the Graphic Tablet. So let’s get started!
You can read this tutorial on Asturegraphics Blog
Tutorial is Filled with Professional Creative Instructions.
You can view some key images from this tutorial below.
You can read this vector tutorial on Asturegraphics Blog
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