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How to Transform and Duplicate Objects in Adobe Illustrator

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Illustrator Tips / Techniques/ Comments: 0
our knowledge of basic functions of transformation and duplication in Adobe Illustrator can save you a lot of time. You have no need for manual operation when Adobe Illustrator can do it instead of you.

Object Duplicating

An object can be duplicated in Adobe Illustrator by copying it (Command / Ctrl + C) and pasting it to the front (Command / Ctrl + F) and to the back (Command / Ctrl + B). A new object will be located above or beneath our original object and the contours of both objects will match.

When you select the sublayer in Layers panel (Window > Layer) you will have an opportunity to double the object by selecting Duplicate "” in the fly-out menu.

By the way, I always work with open Layers panel, this allows following the changes and controlling the objects in the work process.It is often necessary to place a copy of an object in some new place. In order to move and double an object, keep Option/ Alt keys selected while moving.

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