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Free Illustrator Script — Replace Swatches Color

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Freebies / Free Scripts/ Comments: 10

Today we introduce you a new useful script for Adobe Illustrator which was made by Alex Sheingart. This script allows you to change the color swatches for fill and stroke to the other color swatches. We present you the beta version of the product, so please test it and send us your suggestions and comments for the improvements. Your ideas can be fulfilled in the new version of the Replace Swatches Color.

You can download Replace Swatches Color script by clicking the Download button on this page.

Install the scripts into the following folder:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts
  • For Mac:  Applications / Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts

Color Swatches

Let's take a closer look on the way this script works. So we have a couple of selected objects. We need to change red to magenta color for the stroke and the fill. Keep the objects selected and go to the File > Script > Replace Swatches Color. Select the color in the upper window of the Swatches (it is red in our case) which we want to switch. And now select in the lower window of the Switches the other color (magenta in our case) with which the older color will be replaced. Tick "Selected" in the "What is replace" options. Then tick "Fill" and "Stroke" in the "Type of replace" options.

And now click on the Replace.

Tolerance and Random sliders

Tolerance allows the search of colors within set range of colors. For example, for the RGB 144, 95, 38, Tolerance is 77. It searches the objects the color of which differs from the given color to the Tolerance value (in our example it is 77).

Random sets a range of new colors. So, if Random > 0 (in our example Random =18) then found objects of the color is changed into random colors from the range.


  1. After you finished your work with the script, the panel of script cannot be closed. To close it, click on the X on the upper corner of the panel.
  3. To minimize the window click on Min in the lower right corner of the panel.
  5. The script doesn't work with the pattern swatches.
  7. When working with the CMYK color mode the image in the color swatches in the script's panel differs from the image in color swatches in the Swatches panel. This doesn't interfere with the accurate work of the script. Our developer is working on this defect.
  9. The script doesn't change the color of the objects to which the Live effects were applied, for example Blend.
  11. Script can be applied to the objects which are grouped.

Total comments: 8
1 Boris  
"You can download Replace Swatches Color script by clicking the Download button on this page."
This is not working! sad

2 jaroslav  
You just should login

3 Boris  
I'm already there. The button is not clickable.

4 jaroslav  
Please, contact me here
I'll send you the script

5 xuki  
A great script, but could change the colors in gradients? because I've proven and does not work. regards

6 jaroslav  
I don't think so. Although I'll contact the developer.

7 lovevhs3  
nice script,thx

8 yozhic  
Отличный скрипт, но в CC2017 перестало закрываться окошко прогресса SnpCreateProgressBar sad
UPD: Воспроизводится периодически. Пока не уловил закономерность…

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