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Free Illustrator script- QR code

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Freebies / Free Scripts/ Comments: 7

Today I present you a free java script which allows generating QR code in Illustrator. This script was designed by Kazuhiko Arase.

In fact, for generating QR code we need two scripts. Download and extract the zip archive, which contains the QR.js script and a folder containing second script qrcode.js. Copy the archive's content and paste it to the folder in Adobe Illustrator with scripts, for example:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts
  • For Mac:  Applications / Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Presets\en_GB\Scripts

The script was tested in Adobe Illustrator CS5, CS6 and CC.

Restart Adobe Illustrator if you had it started. Now start the script, to do so, go to the File > Scripts > QR. Enter text information into the QR Data field, set the code size in inches in the QR size field, then press OK.

After our script has worked for a couple of seconds, we receive the QR code, which consists of vector objects. The size of the artboard exactly matches the size of the code.

Total comments: 5
1 sarahlynnbr  
Hi, I really like the user interface of this QR Code generator! One more thing, does this QR Code solution supports customizing error correction level? This is important as I need to do some QR Code design, like adding an image in the center.

2 HP  
it's the first script for illu i see, thats only run from the way file / scripts … and not from scriptbay.

3 Alberto  
Thank you, works perfectly. For those wishing to have milimeters instead of inches, you can edit the QR.js document, and make the following changes:

Line 505
from: label1: StaticText { text:'QR Size (in inches)',\
to: label1: StaticText { text:'QR Size (in mm)',\

line 527
from: qrSize = parseInt(win.sizeGroup.qrSize.text) * 72
to: qrSize = parseInt(win.sizeGroup.qrSize.text) * 2.83

Enjoy ;-)

4 jaroslav  
Thank you, Alberto!

5 Dave  
Hi! Awesome script! But unfortunately this is script don't work from Script Bay extension :(

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