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Shortcuts for VectorScribe (PathScribe) : Part 2

posted by: Iaroslav Lazunov, in Articles / News/ Comments: 0

The VectorScribe plugin is oriented towards ensuring the creation of your vector     masterpieces is easier, faster and more flexible. I hope you have     already experienced it (if not, download a 7 day full trial now!).

Today’s article is devoted to the PathScribe Tool using keyboard shortcuts guide. This information, along   with the instructional product movies, will help you create vector artwork using the keyboard like on a piano…

You can read this article on the Astute Graphics Blog right now



  1. Mac key names are used throughout here, but it understood that for Windows, Alt = Option, and Ctrl = Command.
  2. Some shortcuts do not work in earlier versions of the plugin. Update the plugin version to v1.1.1 by following the link .
Shortuts for VectorScribe, PathScribe

You can read this article on the Astute Graphics Blog right now

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