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Great Vector News: DrawScribe is a New Plugin for Adobe Illustrator

posted by: Nicholas van der Walle, in Articles / News/ Comments: 2

News doesn’t get much bigger for us. We are really excited to preview our all-new plugin DrawScribe for Adobe Illustrator in full for the first time! As each major plugin takes a long time to develop, polish and test, this event doesn’t come around very often for us.

What is DrawScribe?

DrawScribe is an Illustrator CS3 to CS5.1 plugin for Mac OS 10.5+ and   Windows XP/Vista/7 that contains two major vector artwork creation tools; InkScribe and Dynamic Sketch.

InkScribe is a replacement to the Pen tool, which celebrates its 25th birthday this year. The tool offers a   smooth transition for experienced users to gain more freedom, power and   time savings when meticulously drawing out shapes. But it’s also   designed to help those new to Illustrator to concentrate on the creative   process rather than which keypress to aim for.

The Dynamic Sketch tool is instantly inspirational when seen it action. At its most basic level, it’s a significant replacement for the Pencil tool. But in use, especially when coupled with a Wacom graphics tablet, it transforms Illustrator into a wonderful, natural and dynamic vector sketching tool. When can I try or buy it? We are currently finishing off the support documentation. We’ve been very privileged to have an army of wonderful beta testers who have been testing since September 2011! The software itself is now complete. A full 14 day trial will be released along with the chance to buy DrawScribe from the beginning of March.


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